In 1981 Tom Brugnar, a Norwegian Businessman, has an increasing drug problem that ultimately pulls him into an international, cocaine, trafficking operation. He is arrested, along with his partner, at the Mexico City airport, while smuggling cocaine from Peru to California. He then serves five years in a series of Mexicans prisons, where he quickly learns that drug use and corruption are just as rampant among the guards and officials as in the outside world. Prisoners are forced to extortion for humane living conditions. Men are beaten and starved. half of his time is spent in four prisons in Mexico City and remainder on the notorious Islas des Marias- Prison islands.
Imagine coming from a military background and knowing that in order to succeed you had to work. After complete Economic Gymnasium in Norway with his Artium degree and receiving a grant to Colorado Alpine College in the USA, being a well round skier helped Tom Brungar scholastically. He pushed himself, discovered competition was tough, and nothing was free. The end was result was a degree in business.
Now to be so young and have so much success so early. Anyone would want that right? As so Tom thought. He was working for a American Global corporate company that helped distribute vending machines and frozen foods. His eight hour days ended up being until the early morning hours but kept up with it cause he was told it was the fastest way up the corporate chain. His newly wed wife barely saw him since he was always working and led him to his first divorce.
After several years of long hours, travel and a divorce. Tom needed a break. He left his job to take a break for a year in Ibiza. This trip is where his misuse of alcohol and downward spiral all began. He ran into others who were on the same road as him but who partied with bigger cannons, cocaine
Partying adds up to debts and those debts must be paid one way or another. In the end Tom did not have much of a choice. His first time being a carrier on a flight, Tom was sicker than a dog, having the cocaine strapped by his crotch. Going through with drawls from drugs and alcohol. He made his first drop successfully. He vowed never to do this ever again.
Until that one dreaded day he received a phone call back in Ibiza while laying next to his lover. A call that told him, he was either to deliver or die himself. He told them this is the last one ever. Little did he know this was going to be the last one.
While having 2 kilos strapped to him he sees that there are about ten police men standing in various places. As he approaches the front of the line a woman walks up to him explains that she is with the federal police and asked what he is carrying? He bleeps out so quickly, "cocaine." This was all over for Tom Brungar.
This true story was a very intense read for me. When I say intense, I mean in the pain of the daily torture and brutality treatments Tom endured. To think that human beings can be so inhumane to others, especially when the crime they committed was not rape, not murder, was nothing of violence.
I will admit full some part were hard to get through because of everything Tom lived through. Even I know I could not live through that myself with God on my side, but God kept praying. Keeping faith and God in his heart he did in endure it all. The amazing thing about it all which I love. He found love. He has Adriana, hand in hand going on the plane back to Norway with him, which is a prize in its self and all worth it in my eyes.
So all in all. The Mirror Maze is a must read. A reminder that our judicial system is so easy on our criminals, a reminder that our lives is not as bad as we think it is, and just an uplifting read all together. I give it 3 out of 5 stars. Pick it up today.